What Happened with Posts?

It’s been a while since I’ve posted on here, and there’s a good reason why other than I’ve not had time. Because let’s face it, we’ve all had a lot of time recently. So, what happened?

Right after our trip to Washington D.C, my phone started getting annoyed at all the storage my pictures were taking. Now, in my phone’s defense, I hadn’t deleted any of our honeymoon pictures from last July which were numerous and taking up a considerable amount of space. However, I just couldn’t bring myself to delete them… so I used another option on my phone- High Efficiency Photos.

Problem solved, I thought! I could keep pictures on my phone and still take more. So we went to Seattle and I took pictures. Life got busy with Christmas and by the time I sat down to write my blog post for Thanksgiving, I’d forgotten all about the switch.

Well, turns out that the High Efficiency setting changes the file type of the pictures and uploads them as a HEIC file, not a JPG. It also turns out that WordPress doesn’t take HEIC files, so when I sat down to write posts, I couldn’t see any of my pictures or upload them to the blog.

Now instead of trying to figure that out, I just got frustrated and blamed the blog site for deliberately not taking my photos. It was only when I finally started to delete those photos that I realized what happened- which only happened a couple weeks ago 😀

So, now hopefully I’ll be back to blogging a bit more and keeping you posted on some of my projects and the last few trips we took. There have been some really fun ones that I’m excited to finally be able to share.


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